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A web site for friends from the former East Midlands Region of British Gas
who meet regularly to walk in various parts of the east midlands.

Cropston Reservoir, near Swithland. Thursday 5 October 2006

Peter and Talbert organised this walk but forgot to arrange the weather this time. However, in spite of a wet and dismal start, 19 members took part, setting off from the lovely village of Swithland near Cropston Reservoir.

The weather improved steadily as we walked to the edge of Bradgate Park, passing Lady Jane Grey's old house and circling Cropston Reservoir. The walk was a very leisurely and (normally) scenic 6 miles, with no hills and very few styles but the mist persisted and prevented us seeing the views of the Leicestershire mountains. See the photos, & thanks to Gerry for contributing.

The Griffin Inn is in Main Street, Swithland, Loughborough LE12 8TJ (tel. 01509 890535) We shared the pub with a residential course of HM VAT Inspectors but fortunately they didn't cause any trouble during lunch.

Directions:  If you are coming down the M1 take junction 22 onto the A50 and take the first left towards Woodhouse Eaves and then the signposted right to Swithland. You have to drive through almost the entire village before reaching the Griffin on your right.

If on the A46 you go through Ratcliffe on the Wreake and turn right towards Sileby. Through to Mountsorrel, Rothley and Swithland. The Griffin is then on your left at the beginning of the village.

The Walk
From the pub, turn right join walk at footpath sign on right.
Follow the stony track, pass through the gate and continue ahead between fields. At the road turn right then immediate left up the bridleway, go straight on with fences to the left past Cropston Leys, continue on the path between trees to a T-junction of paths at a marker post.
Turn left between fields with row of trees to the right and keep direction through the trees and the gate. Carry on up the track and turn right along the road.
Turn left through the kissing gates into Bradgate Park. Follow the tarmac path with Cropston Reservoir to the left, past the visitor centre to the junction adjacent to the ruins.

Turn left over the stone bridge, and fork left off the stony road to the bottom left corner. Go through the high kissing gate out of the park and keep to the right hand field edge, cross the stile to the right and keep the original direction between fences. Step over the stile at the end and carry on with the fence to the left; continue over the stile at the corner by the trees and bear left on the left hand field edge with the trees and reservoir on the left. In the top corner turn left through the narrow gate and take the hardcore farm road to the right.

Continue through the gate into Cropston, go straight over the junction and carry on past the "Bradgate Arms". Keep going along Main stree for just over 3A of a mile past the staggered junction, as the road bears right turn left at the signpost.

Go up the enclosed path and continue along the right hand field edge over the footbridge next to the gateway. Keep going uphill past the trees of The Rough, step over the stile, turn right the left to regain direction with the hedge to the right. Bear right on the path through the trees over the footbridge and into the field corner, turn left with the stone wall to the right. Bear right at the marker post over the stile and turn left on the track over the field towards Swithland village. Turn right then left at the roa'd back to the pub.



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