EMGASpers title

A web site for friends from the former East Midlands Region of British Gas
who meet regularly to walk in various parts of the east midlands.

Derwent Valley, Baslow & Curbar, Derbyshire Thursday August 16

16 Members took part in this fairly gentle 5 mile walk organised by Martin and tested by him, Keith and Trevor.

We started at the Wheatsheaf Hotel, (Nether End, Baslow, Derbyshire
DE45 1SRTel: 01246 582240) where, on arrival, we were met by the hypnotic smell of cooking bacon. Several members failed the test miserably and in some cases the guilt complexes lasted for quite a few minutes.

Martin had warned about the continuing road works at the two roundabouts in Chesterfield but there were no delays here this time. Two plagues of cones & temporary traffic lights before Baslow however did add some time to the journey.

The walk, starting from Baslow, goes to Curbar village and then returns to Baslow via the Derwent Valley. It is 5 miles with great views, one initial steady climb (nothing too bad!!) and is shorts friendly! It was reasonably good under foot considering all the recent rains. (Click on the map, right, to see a large version (300kb))

Lunch was highly recommended by all those who didn't have Moules (& they weren't bad, just too young...) For future reference, the Wheatsheaf is high up the fish & chips league table. The Landlord made himself really popular by, for once, listening to the usual pathetic pleas for more custard for the Bakewell tart and giving us some extra.


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