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A web site for friends from the former East Midlands Region of British Gas
who meet regularly to walk in various parts of the east midlands.

Bunny Hill Top and the Eglantine Vineyard, Thursday 17th May 2012

The walk started at the Rancliffe Arms, 139 Loughborough Road, Bunny NG11 6QT  Ttel. 0115 984 4727

team photoThe Rancliffe is on the A60, midway between Nottingham and Loughborough.  The route from Junction 24 of the M1 through Gotham is presently closed for resurfacing but the work is expected to finish by the end of March.

The walk takes us along the Fairham Brook towards Gotham.  Turning South we have a steady climb to the top of Bunny Hill with views across Nottingham.  A level walk through woods and paddocks brings us to Eglantine Vineyard where a brief wine-tasting has been arranged before we move on.  Along and down the ridge towards East Leake, we have views of Charnwood.  A bridle way takes us back over the ridge and down to Fairham Brook with a level walk back to the pub.  Distance approx. 4½ miles.  rancliffeThe stop at the vineyard will make the duration a little over 2 hours.  The footpath crosses some cultivated fields, so we may get damp legs if there is a lot of rain.  However, Gordon and Ian have just done the walk and the ground is dry and bone-hard despite a wet weekend.If you are interested, the walk is published here –  homepage.ntlworld.com/paul.mather/walks/Bunny%20Vineyard.pdf

The pub website is here - www.rancliffearms.co.uk/   The menu is on the website and the food is a bit more expensive than normal.  There isn’t an alternative, so start saving now.

The vineyard website is here - eglantinevineyard.web.officelive.com

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