EMGASpers title

A web site for friends from the former East Midlands Region of British Gas
who meet regularly to walk in various parts of the east midlands.

Thornton Reservoir – Bagworth 15 August 2013

Venue - Bricklayers Arms, 213 Main Street, Thornton, Leicester LE67 1AH
Telephone: 01530 230808

The walk is a gentle 4 mile walk through the Leicester countryside taking in Thornton Reservoir and part of the National Forest. Shorts are not recommended as there are brambles and nettles in the forest.

Thornton is to the west of Leicester just off the M1. For those of you without Sat-Nav it’s probably best approached by leaving the M1 at J22 and taking the first right turning to Thornton. Follow the signs to the village (approximately 2 miles).  





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