EMGASpers title

A web site for friends from the former East Midlands Region of British Gas
who meet regularly to walk in various parts of the east midlands.

Gotham and the West Leake Hills, Wednesday 3rd June 2015

The walk starts at the Cuckoo Bush Inn, Leake Road, Gotham NG11 0JL

Coffee will be available from 10.00, with the usual start at 10.30.

Gotham, and the legend of its ‘Wise Men’, was the inspiration for Gotham City and the Batman stories. The Cuckoo Bush Inn commemorates one of the mythical stories of King John and the villagers. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gotham,_Nottinghamshire

The walk soon leads to a long steady climb up the hill to the supposed site of the original cuckoo bush
(a Bronze Age tumulus). From there it is easy walking over to West Leake and a gentle gradient back up to the top of the course at Rushcliffe Golf Club. There are no stiles and no nettles/brambles, so dress for the weather. Most of the walk is on hard bridle paths or tracks, with sheep pasture on the hillside. Depending on the weather, there may be the odd spring or muddy puddle where horses have cut up the path.

If you are coming via Junction 24 of the M1, the most direct route is along the A453, taking the exit just after the power station. Cross over the new roundabout and turn left when you reach the crossroads. The road into Gotham brings you over humps to crossroads in the centre of the village (ignore the by-pass turnoff to the right). Turn right at the crossroads and the Cuckoo Bush is on the right. There is limited parking at the back of the Inn, but there are no parking restrictions in the village and there are plenty of spaces opposite, in The Square outside the church. There is an alternative route through Kegworth and Kingston on Soar.

From the East, aim for the A60 Nottingham-Loughborough road and turn off in Bunny, then right at the British Gypsum mine in East Leake. For those determined to use their bus passes, the NCT No.1 Blueline bus route Nottingham-Loughborough stops close to the Inn.




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