EMGASpers title

A web site for friends from the former East Midlands Region of British Gas
who meet regularly to walk in various parts of the east midlands.

Higham on the Hill and the Ashby Canal, Wednesday 26th August 2015

Venue - The Oddfellows Arms
25 Main Street, Higham on the Hill, CV13 6AE
01455 2120972

Time – From 10:00 with walk commencing at 10:30.

The walk is a repeat of the one we did on 17th January 2008. We will be able to see if we have improved over the last 7 years! The walk then was muddy and it rained, hopefully we will have better weather this time.
It is a 5½ mile walk through the Leicestershire countryside and along the canal. When Talbert and I walked it there were nettles and thistles in places so wear shorts at your own risk, also the last part of the walk is through crop fields with a narrow walkway, so if it rains prior to the walk waterproofs or quick drying trousers may be needed.

Location – easiest route is M1 on to M69, turn on to A5 North. After a few miles you turn right at the signpost to Higham on the Hill.

Please let me or Talbert (01455273728) know by Monday 24th August if you can join us.


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