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A web site for friends from the former East Midlands Region of British Gas who meet regularly to walk in various parts of the East Midlands.

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Risley and Breaston Circular Walk 24th June 2021

Risley Park, Risley • whatpub.com

The walk begins at the Risley Park pub, Derby Road, Risley, DE72 3SS Tel.  0115 939 2313.  https://therisleypark.co.uk/

The walk heads South on Risley Lane, under the A52 before turning off across fields towards Breaston.  On the outskirts of the village, we meet the course of the abandoned Derby – Nottingham canal and follow the towpath towards Long Eaton.  Before we reach the M1, a footpath on the left takes us North and over the A52 towards Risley.  In Risley, we cross the Derby Road and skirt round the rear of All Saints Church and the Village Hall, before reaching a lane that takes us back to the pub.

(Click on the thumbnail to see the route full size.)

When we did the recce, there was no livestock on the route and only a few stiles.  It is a mixture of field paths, farm tracks and a cycle way, with level, easy walking all the way, just about 3.5 miles.  There is a short stretch with nettle and brambles encroaching on the path.

Arrangements with the pub are that we shall have an area set aside with tables for 4 or 6.  Please bear in mind that some Covid precautions may still be in operation, such as table-only service for drinks, so come prepared with face masks and the NHS Covid app for checking in, if you have it.

